A continually expanding and comprehensive source of failure data for users of Isograph's Reliability Workbench, so you can produce system failure data quickly and easily.
The Parts Libraries contain many thousands of modern electronic and non-electronic parts and provide a comprehensive source of failure data for users of Isograph’s Reliability Workbench. The libraries have been constructed by electronic and reliability engineers from manufacturers’ datasheets and other sources or taken directly from existing public sources.
The Parts Libraries also contain two existing non-electronic libraries: the NPRD-2016 library for mechanical component failure data and the IAEA-TECDOC-508 library for component reliability data.
Availability Workbench™, Reliability Workbench™, FaultTree+™, and Hazop+™ are trademarks of Isograph Limited, the author and owner of products bearing these marks. ARMS Reliability is an authorised distributor of those products, and a trainer in respect of their use.