Learning Objectives
- Learn how to use the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) module of Availability Workbench™.
- Discover how to build a Cost Breakdown Structure and what parameters are used to drive the LCC calculation.
Key Learnings
- How to use the LCC module of Availability Workbench™ and understand where it fits into the whole suite.
- Experience all the key features of LCC from cost breakdown structure build through to results output.
- Participate in a real world exercise to develop an LCC model which shows the key features of the LCC module.
- See how simulation data from the AvSim module and RCMCost module can be easily and efficiently brought across into LCC.
Why you should attend:
- Interested in Isograph’s Availability Workbench™ and want to see and learn how to use it.
- Want to perform an LCC study and utilise existing modelling data from RCMCost or AvSim.
- Need a dedicated LCC program to perform modelling for presentation.